Are you a UWC student?

Are you passionate about an issue somewhere in the world where you want to make a difference?

Do you have an idea which would . . .

  • provide enduring benefit
  • bring a sustainable outsome
  • help foster peace??

Would $2,000 help you deliver your idea?

GoMakeADifference is a grant scheme available to UWC students only.

Apply today for an opportunity to be awarded a grant of up to $2,000 to help you put your mission into action!

Remember closing date for 2025 applications is 31st January and your project will need to have been shared with your local GoMakeADifference co-ordinator at your UWC College/School before then.

Applications for 2025 awards are now open.

Who we are

GoMakeADifference was established in 2001 by Colin Habgood and Jill Longson to provide grants to UWC Atlantic College students. The concept was to allow students an opportunity to make a difference and put into practice the ideals of UWC.

Grant Process

If you have an idea which could help foster peace and a sustainable future by uniting peoples, nations and cultures, then apply for a GoMakeADifference grant. Grants are available to UWC students only.

Projects Awarded

GoMakeADifference has awarded grants to students from various UWC Schools and Colleges, resulting in over 300 projects being delivered across 50 countries throughout five regions including Africa, Asia, Europe, the Americas & the Middle East.


There will be 20 awards/grants per year of $2,000 now being made available to successful students.

Grants will be given to projects that demonstrate that they can make a difference.

Apply Today

Be original! Originality is one way of challenging yourself. Do something you haven't done before.

Applications for 2025 awards are now OPEN.

Are you passionate about an issue somewhere in the world where you want to make a difference, but you don't have the money to make it happen?

GoMakeADifference – helping UWC people make a difference!

In 23 years . . .

  • 850+ UWC students from all the schools/colleges have
  • Delivered 200+ projects in 40 countries across 5 continents
  • Benefitting 000’s of lives

Now it’s your turn. . .

Are you passionate about an issue somewhere in the world?

Do you have an idea which if you had some funding could . . .  Make a Difference?

How will you live the UWC Mission?

When you leave UWC and start your next chapter of life?

What will be your legacy when you leave UWC?

Deliver a GoMakeADifference project which

  • Presents a personal challenge, initiative and commitment
  • And leaves an enduring benefit behind

What are you waiting for?

If you have an idea which could help foster peace and a sustainable future by uniting peoples, nations and cultures then apply for a GoMakeADifference grant.

Be inspired

Read from previous GoMakeADifference award-winners and see how they have helped make a difference.

GoMakeADifference was initially created by Colin Habgood and Jill Longson (AC81) in 2001, to provide grants to UWC Atlantic College students. Since then, GoMakeADifference has awarded grants to over 850 students from UWC Schools and Colleges, resulting in over 200 projects being delivered across 40 countries throughout five continents including Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America.

This simple concept, has helped students to successfully deliver GoMakeADifference projects with thousands of people benefiting around the world. The results and reports from previous projects are a testament to the success of GoMakeADifference, its participants and the values of UWC.

We hope and expect that every UWC student wants to make a difference – it’s the essence of the UWC ideal of ‘making education a force for peace and sustainability’. GoMakeADifference provides students with the opportunity to put their energy and idealism into practice.


Photo of Umra Omar

I received a GoMAD grant for a HIV Youth Awareness Campaign in Nairobi back in 2002. Here I am now, founder of an organization that is riding on the same philosophy. I am so excited to honor Jill and Colin on the impact that they had in what I do now.

— Umra Omar (Founder/Director of Safari Doctors)