Who We Are

Apply for a grant of up to $1,000 and put the mission into action when you leave!

Who are GoMakeADifference?

GoMakeADifference was created by Colin Habgood and his wife Jill Longson (AC81) in 2001, to provide grants to UWC Atlantic College students.

Today, the award programme offers grants of up to $2,000 to successful projects from students across the UWC schools and colleges network. GoMakeADifference has seen hundreds of students, deliver many projects in various countries and continents across the globe, changing the lives of thousands of people.

The GoMakeADifference programme was developed initially to provide UWC Atlantic College students an opportunity to make a difference and put into practice the ideals of UWC.

In 2016, the award was rolled out to all UWC Schools and Colleges, with 20 grants of £1000 each being made available to help students make a difference.

In 2017, Wesley Chiu agreed to support the grant scheme. This enabled us the programme to offer 30 awards of $1k each, allowing even more UWC students to make a difference. Wesley Chiu graduated from LPCUWC in 1995, apart from financially supporting GoMakeADifference, he would like to offer his advice for any students planning a project in China. You may contact him directly via email chiubunwesley@yahoo.com.hk.

About Colin and Jill

Originally from Jersey in the Channel Islands, Jill's life was transformed after attending UWC Atlantic College in Wales, as a student in 1979-81. Always staying in touch and wanting to contribute to UWC, Jill was actively involved with AC as a Board Member for 10 years and is currently Chair of UWC Atlantic.

Colin didn't attend a UWC, but has been so impressed with the community, the ethos of the movement and the alumni he has met over the years, that he also wanted to get involved. He became a volunteer in 2010, working with UWC new schools and colleges and for many years has been an active Board Member for UWC International.

Colin and Jill believe in the power of young people making a difference, stating, “We really want students to have the opportunity to live the ethos of UWC straight after leaving the school or college they have been studying at, allowing them to bring the mission to life. In 2016, we were pleased to roll out the GoMakeADifference grant scheme to all UWC schools and colleges. This increase saw 20 grants available with up to $1,000 per project being awarded to successful students. These grants have helped students start their journey of making a difference and fulfilling living the UWC mission. Today, we are delighted to offer awards of up to $2,000.  We continue to be excited and love hearing how UWC students propose to use the grants in a creative and meaningful way”.

Based in southern Spain, they enjoy living and supporting the UWC mission. With two dogs, Colin is an active sailor, Jill regularly plays tennis and participates in open water swimming, whilst Colin can often be found with friends on the golf course.

About Wesley Chiu

Wesley Chiu

Wesley Chiu graduated from LPCUWC 1995 and is a lawyer in China. He is responsible for selection at UWC China National Committee. He also helped set up of UWC Changshu and has been serving on the school board. Wesley co-found a NGO called Project Volunteer Online in China in 2015, installing video conferencing equipment in remote village schools in China that have shortage of teachers. More than 200 volunteers around the world now are using Skype to teach students in more than 20 remote villages in China on daily basis.

My UWC experience gave me the passion to care about social issues, the intellectual curiosity to understand the social issue and the determination to make a difference. I hope more UWCers can go and make a difference.” said Wesley.

Apart from financially supporting GoMakeADifference, he would like to offer his advice for any students planning a project in China. You may contact him directly via email chiubunwesley@yahoo.com.hk.

Winifred Mok and Woodroses

About Woodroses 木玫瑰

Winifred (LPC03) and her parents grow woodroses (Merremia tuberosa) in Hong Kong. A unique tropical vine, yellow trumpet-shaped flowers bloom, then wilt, as additional petal shapes grow around the bulbous seed pod, eventually making it look like a cardboard or wooden flower.  Consisting of a sturdy texture, they last decades as a dried flower arrangement.  

Proceeds from Winifred's mother's flower arrangements and artworks, as well as any organic produce they grow, are donated towards the Go Make A Difference Fund for awards. Visit the woodroses website

"What makes the UWC experience unique is that short but intense direct exposure to a microcosm of the world. Living side by side allows us to reflect on who we are by understanding others; to remain true to our roots, and to become a pillar of strength within our wider communities -- through hands-on work; through communication; through inspiration. To have integrity whilst continually being open to alternative perspectives is key to any kind of change. Live what you believe." - Winifred

Winifred can be contacted at  www.woodroses.ucraft.site or on social media at www.twitter.com/JoeOptimistik


If it was not for the GoMakeADifference empowerment, I don’t think I would have realised how grave the poverty, healthcare and environmental issues are in my country. As I still embark on my academic pursuits, I have been shaped partly by my UWC Atlantic College experience and re-shaped by the problems that my country faces. The 5 weeks spent in Kenya and Uganda were eye opening to me... I have been shaped by my UWC AC experience.

— Kenya and Uganda Summer Project, 2001