Your Project Proposal

Grants will be given to projects that demonstrate that they can make a difference.

Writing your project proposal

In order to submit an application for a GoMakeaDifference grant, UWC students must complete the Online Application Form and attach a Project Proposal consisting of the following sections A-D and preferably also section E.

Applicants are to submit sections A-D as one coherent document. The document must include:

  • A title page
  • A table of contents
  • Clearly marked sections A-D

The document must be uploaded with your online form in a pdf or Microsoft Word format and must include a word count immediately following each section A-D.

SECTION A: Your Project

Each proposal in section A, must include the following content about your GoMakeaDifference project:

  1. A brief summary of your proposed project. This overview should be no more than 150 words and should provide an introduction to your project.
  2. A brief description of the issues you want to address and an explanation of why the project team chose to make a difference around these issues.
  3. A brief analysis of the causes of these issues and how the project will address these causes.
  4. Answers to the following questions:
    1. Are there other projects already addressing these issues?
    2. Is this project different from other projects addressing these issues, and if so, how?
  5. An explanation of who (including numbers of people likely to benefit) and how the project will make a difference to them.
  6. An explanation as to why you think your project is original in its concept and delivery.
  7. An explanation as to how you think your project can have a level of sustainability once the project team have left the location.
  8. An explanation of how the impact will be measured. What would a successful or unsuccessful outcome look like?
  9. A brief description of the challenges and risks (emphasising personal challenges) that you expect to encounter in developing and implementing the project and how you will minimise any risks and overcome the challenges in delivering this project.
  10. A brief statement of the role played by any third party supporters/volunteers (if applicable). This could include college staff, alumni, parents, NGOs, friends, etc.

Section A must be a maximum of 1000 words, including any title. The use of pictures/visuals is encouraged but not essential.

Please remember to include a word count immediately following section A.

SECTION B: Your Plan

An operating plan describing:

  1. The proposed activities and what you hope to achieve in making a difference.
  2. The timetable - Outlining the stages in the development and implementation of the project with timelines. This should be provided in a table format with actions and proposed timescales.
  3. A budget plan explaining how much budget you need to deliver your project and how you if successful, the money would be spent. The budget should indicate what resources are needed, from where they will be sourced, how much they will cost and what is the basis for the costings. The budget should be provided in table format, with all costs should be presented in US dollars.
  4. How you would fund any shortfall in budget?
  5. How you would know if your project was successful or not. What measures would be put in place to judge the project's success.

Section B should be no more than 1000 words, including any titles. The use of pictures/visuals is encouraged but not essential.

Please remember to include a word count immediately following section B.

SECTION C: About you and the team

Please use this section to tell us a bit about yourself and your team if applicable.

Biographical section:

  1. A maximum of 100 word biography on each project leader and a maximum of another 100 words regarding the remainder of the team.
  2. A maximum 200 word statement from each project leader as to the relevant experience each brings to the project, how they think the project will develop them personally and how it may be relevant to what they want to do in the future.

Please remember to include a word count immediately following section C.


SECTION D: Safety statement and COVID_19 Coronavirus: 

Please remember, we do not want you to go ahead running your project if it is not completely safe for you and everyone affected by your project.

If you plan to run your project while the world is still in the midst of the global pandemic you will need to explain and confirm:

  1. Why you believe it is safe for your project to be run this year
  2. That your project can be delivered with no risk to you or anyone else
  3. That your project is legal and is not breaking any laws in your country or the country where your project is being delivered
  4. That you have the approval of your parents and your school co-ordinator to run this project

SECTION E: Optional video presenting your project

A short video (maximum 3 minutes) presenting yourselves and the project. When you submit your application and upload your proposal, there is an option to upload a link to where we can view your video.  The video can be stored in a place of your choosing (Dropbox, Google or Youtube) - just send us the link and we will view it as part of reviewing your application.

This is not a mandatory requirement for your application, although it is desirable. A video can provide an opportunity for the awarding panel to gain a greater understanding of your project and the people involved who hope to make a difference.

Please note this is optional, so please do not worry if you do not have the facility or ability to produce a short video. A video will help the awarding panel, but will not be valued on its own merit. All successful projects will need to have a project proposal with sections A, B, C & D as highlighted above.


Photo of Lia Quartapelle

I cannot forget what we learnt and the service we gave in 2001, and now, in my new position as MP, I am very proud of what we did and grateful for the opportunity I had.

— Lia Quartapelle (member of the Italian Democratic Party)